( ಠ◞ ͟ʖ◟ಠ) I am truly captivated by the nature of human behavior.

I find delight in observing, in trying to understand why we behave the way we behave, and a lot is happening in our minds.

We use stories to represent reality, to make sense of our life and environment. Stories, ideas, concepts, information. Our mental model of the world has the power to influence and condition our behavior.

I am especially curious about the minimum required to successfully transmit an idea, how to maximize the fluency of their exchange and what is necessary to evolve, grow and mature the stories we tell ourselves to stimulate personal change first, and lastly, impact society at large.

I see beauty in how the living relates and interacts with other beings, living or nonliving. I want to share this beauty. I want to inspire others in the same way others inspire me.